Upcoming Events

UMLC and their Landcare groups provide a range of activities for members and the local community. 

Upcoming events

The Landforms and Geology of Lake Bunyan

Numeralla Landcare invite you to join us on a bus tour to explore the geology of Lake Bunyan and the Numeralla region.

Meeting at the Numeralla Community hall

12:30pm  - 4pm Saturday 6th April 

This is a free event and lunch is provided.

To register, contact Jim on dinoxing@westnet.com or Georgeanna upper.murrumbidgee@gmail.com 

Fire ready property landscaping workshop

Royalla Landcare invite the community to attend a workshop that delves into managing fire risks when planning your landscaping and other planting projects.

Royalla Community hall

9:30am  - 3:30pm Saturday 13th March 

Contact Maryke on royallalandcare@gmail.com or Georgeanna upper.murrumbidgee@gmail.com 

Register here or scan code 

Grassy ecosystems: Opportunities for production and conservation on the Monaro

Numeralla Landcare invites all interested community members along to and hear from Grassland expert Professor Jamie Pittock. Jamie will cover the the role of grassy ecosystems in our landscape and how landholders can help management for their conservation. 

Numeralla Community Hall, 62 McLean Street Numeralla

6pm Friday 19th April 

RSVP:  Jim on dinoxing@westnet.com or Georgeanna Story on 

0429 779 928, upper.murrumbidgee@gmail.com 

Fire ready property landscaping workshop

Carwoola Landcare invite the community to attend a workshop that delves into managing fire risks when planning your landscaping and other planting projects.

Carwoola Community hall

9:30am  - 3:30pm Saturday 5th May 

Contact Lyn on carwoolalandcarecoordinator@gmail.com or Georgeanna upper.murrumbidgee@gmail.com 

Register here or scan code 

Cold Country Koala Project

UMLC is partnering with Local Land Services (LLS) to deliver projects that promote the recovery of the endangered Koala populations located in the Southern Tablelands. The project is supported by the Department of Planning and Environment through the NSW Koala Strategy.

The Monaro is home to a unique koala population, mainly located around the ARKS (Area of Regional Koala Significance) as per the map below. Historical and recent surveys have shown that this area’s koala population has a local and state wide significance. Under the NSW Koala Strategy, the Southern Tablelands includes one of ten koala strongholds within NSW. It is vitally important for us to protect and enhance koala habitat through on-ground works and to conduct ongoing surveys to learn more about this population and how we can help them.

We are offering co-contribution incentives to private land managers for on-ground works that protect and enhance koala habitat, improve connectivity of habitat and address threats in and around the ARKS. 

Koala surveys using audio recorders, which detect male koala bellows, is also an important component of this project. The koala survey undertaken last year by LLS recorded koalas right across the region and in some areas at higher levels than more northern populations. A repeat of this survey is planned and we are interested in hearing from landholders that would like to participate. We are keen to hear from landholders not only within the ARKS but also in neighbouring areas. Koalas are known to move throughout our region and cross our rivers, so if you have treed remnants on your property and would be interested in participating in the koala survey please complete the registration form.   

Please register your interest through Georgeanna at upper.murrumbidgee@gmail.com or on 0429 779 928.

Past events

Birds, Dams and Box-gum Basics

Carwoola Landcare welcomed landholders, SE LLS and ANU Sustainable Farms to discuss property management options for agricultural and biodiversity benefits. The workshop was part of the Save Our Scarlet Robin Project.

Managing Your Property for Conservation

UMLC, Bush Heritage and the Biodiversity Conservation Trust brought landholders and experts together to explore options for biodiversity conservation on private property.

Bushfoods of the Royalla Box-gum Woodlands

Royalla Landcare and Adam Shipp of Yurbay tantalised Royalla landholders with the tastes of local bush foods. After sampling native teas and herbs Adam showed us bush foods in our own backyard and where to find them.  

Pest Control Programs

Through support from SE LLS, Michelago, Royalla and Numeralla Landcare have coordinated and undertaken pest control programs in their local communities. Monitoring throughout the program also identified a wide diversity of native wildlife.